Adrian Heath (English, 1920-1992)


Adrian Heath was an important British abstract painter associated with British constructivism. Heath was also a prominent figure in the London art circles, an inspiring tutor and a public advocate for contemporary British art at a time when the commercial side of the industry was still recovering after the War. From 1949 to 1951 Heath made visits to St Ives, where he met Ben Nicholson, through his connections Adrian Heath formed key links for creative exchange between the St Ives School and the London-based Constructivists. From 1949 Heath exhibited with and in 1962 was elected a member of The London Group. In the early 1950s, Heath organised exhibitions in his London studio and was a key figure promoting abstract art in Britain.

Related artists

Terry Frost / Ben Nicholson / Alexander MacKenzie / Roy Conn / Prunella Clough / Kathleen Guthrie / Rosina Rogers / Sandra Blow / George Dannatt / Gabriel Weissmann

Available works

Please see below the selection of available original artworks by Adrian Heath.