Nikolai Issaiev (Russian, 1891-1977)


Nikolai Issaiev was a Russian painter who gained prominence in the Parisian art circles in the 1920s. He graduated from the Odessa School of Art and moved to St Petersburg at the age of 20. However, two years later the First World War broke out, he enrolled in the Military Academy and in 1916 was sent to the front.

In 1919 as a 28-year-old veteran, Issaiev moved to Serbia to focus on his art. In 1924 NIkolai Issaiev held his first personal exhibition in Belgrade, inspired by its success he decided to move to Paris. The artist became hugely successful in Paris, he exhibited alongside Natalia Goncharova, Mikhail Larionov, Marc Chagall, Ossip Zadkine, Chaim Soutine, Jean Pougny, and Serge Charchoune. He participated in the annual Salon des Indépendants, Salon d’Automne, Salon des Surindépendants, Salon Comparaisons, and Salon des Tuileries and held personal shows in Paris, the Czech Republic, Belgium, and Serbia.

From the late 1950s, Issaiev was often exhibited in the United States and was included in exhibitions of Russian artists of the École de Paris. Already in the 1960s works by the artists were held in the museums of Paris, Zurich, Chicago, and Belgrade. In 1976 a retrospective exhibition was organised in Paris.

Related artists

Natalia Goncharova / Sergre Charchoune

Available works

Please see below the selection of available original artworks by Nikolai Issaiev.