Jaap Weijand (Dutch, 1886-1960)


Jaap Weijand was a Dutch artist, who lived and worked in Amsterdam, Paris, Blaricum, Bergen, and Bakkum (Castricum). He was a pupil of George Sturm at the State School of Applied Art in Amsterdam, in 1903. He also studied under Antoon Derkinderen, August Allebé, and Pieter Dupont at the State Academy of Fine Arts Amsterdam from 1904 to 1910. He was influenced by Neo-Impressionism, Realism, Cubism, and the Amsterdam School.

Weijand was a painter, draughtsman, engraver and stained-glass artist. His subjects are biblical scenes, landscapes, portraits, and still lifes. Weijand has had many exhibitions in Amsterdam (Stedelijk Museum; Vereeniging Sint Lucas).

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Available works

Please see below the selection of available original artworks by Jaap Waijand.